Our Arbitrators and Mediators

Our Roster of Arbitrators and Mediators is composed of some of the most experienced and distinguished leaders in their respective fields, bringing with them a wealth of subject matter expertise in a wide range of areas, including but not limited to: international trade law; finance law; banking law; corporate law; business law; oil & gas law; mining law; shipping & maritime law; natural resources law; environmental law; employment law; intellectual property law; investment funds law; mergers and acquisitions law; private equity law; real estate law; restructuring law; technology law and telecommunications law, among numerous others areas of expertise. 

One of the many benefits of arbitration over litigation is that in arbitration, the parties have the ability to choose from among the world’s leading experts in any given area of law in order to decide the merits of their case. By contrast, in litigation, judges are assigned to a case and may, or may not, be very experienced in a particular field, or have specialized knowledge or expertise in international commercial contracts.

The PCIA’s Roster of Arbitrators and Mediators are highly experienced in their respective fields, and have the necessary specialized knowledge needed in order to render a fair and informed decision.